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Herbal teas and medicines during pregnancy

Medicinal plants have always been beneficial to mankind and since the beginning of history, they have been and are of special importance in providing health to communities. Considering the side effects of chemical drugs, and due to the importance of medicinal plants both in terms of treatment and prevention of diseases, the tendency of societies to use traditional treatments and herbal products, especially in the last two decades has been increased. Considering the long history of traditional medicine in our country and the wide acceptance of medicinal plants by the public, and due to the mission of the research and development (R&D) unit of the Food and Drug deputy as the scientific arm of food and drug health, we will briefly review the effects of medicinal plants and herbal products during pregnancy. Herbal medicines have many beneficial effects on human health. For this reason, the general belief is that herbal medicines and natural products do not have side effects, and they can be easily used in the treatment of diseases. And there is even the thought that medicinal plants not only have no side effects, but their effects are stronger and more effective than chemical drugs, while medicinal plants, like chemical drugs, can cause side effects in a person when used inappropriately or for a long time, which are sometimes irreparable. This statement should be considered especially during pregnancy. Therefore, arbitrary and indiscriminate use of medicinal plants, especially during pregnancy, should be re-considered 

Are herbal teas and medicines safe during pregnancy

The results of a systematic review performed by investigators at the R&D unit of the Food and Drug deputy of Urmia University of Medical Sciences by reviewing 35 studies and the records of nearly 40,000 people show that medicinal plants and herbal products are not as safe as they seem. According to the findings of a study that was published in the journal of “phytotherapy research”, some medicinal plants have severe toxicity during pregnancy, which increases the risk of premature birth, abortion and stillbirth in the third trimester of pregnancy, as well as the risk of abnormalities in the first trimester of pregnancy. The most important reasons for the dangerous nature of medicinal plants, especially during pregnancy, are the uncertainty about many compounds in herbal extracts, uncertainty about the therapeutic dose, interference of the effective compounds, the passage of many effective plant compounds through the placenta, and the systemic toxicity of some of these compounds. According to the findings of this study, due to its anticoagulant effects, ginger causes cardiac arrhythmia, irritation of irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, increased risk of miscarriage (in high doses and chronic use), allergic reactions and dehydration during pregnancy. On the other hand, saffron may increase the risk of miscarriage, and digitalis can lead to premature birth. Based on the results of this study, long-term use of kratom by pregnant women increases the risk of neonatal abstinence syndrome in babies born to these mothers. Also, it has been shown thatTeucrium polium, which is often used to increase the production of breast milk or to relieve digestive discomfort in the last months of pregnancy and after childbirth, can cause toxicity and serious liver damage. According to the findings of this study, Podophyllum, Boldo, Fennel, and Mint have teratogenic effects and should be avoided during pregnancy. Taken together, it is recommended that pregnant mothers avoid consuming unknown herbal products or herbal medicines about which there is insufficient information about their safety. To read more about the plants that cause various complications during pregnancy and also the type of complications, it is suggested to read the following article.

Potential benefits versus hazards of herbal therapy during pregnancy; a systematic review of available literature. Phytotherapy research. 2022 Feb;36(2):824-41. https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.7363











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